brief description of the original book
MUST READ for mastering essential concepts in microbiology
Well-known and widely used for their hallmark
illustrations, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews bring concepts to vibrant life.
Students rely on LIR for quick review, easier assimilation, and understanding
of large amounts of critical, complex material
Outline format and full-color illustrations:
More than 400 color illustrations and color-coded summaries provide key
information at a glance and helpful visual explanations
Illustrated case studies and questions to
support USMLE prep: Expanded discussions reinforce key concepts and review
questions with detailed rationales allow for self-assessment
New bookmark features mini-index of important
microorganisms for quick and easy reference
can be an overwhelming topic, but the pictures, concise descriptions, and
parallel structure of each chapter helps to make the subject easier to
understand and digest.” -Amelia Keaton, medical student
think this book better meets the needs of the market because of its review
chapters and disease summaries, its review questions, and its excellent
photographs of clinical manifestations of microbial disease. I also found this
book easier to read and study from.” – Devorah Segal, medical student
online! (with purchase of the text)
Interactive question bank for test-taking
Fully searchable eBook for studying on-the-go-
Number of pages (original pdf
format): 450
Number of pages (summarized book
pdf format): 175
PDF file for the summarized book