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الجمعة، 30 ديسمبر 2016

Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry

Pickard’s Manual of Operative Dentistry

يعتبر الكتاب من اهم المراجع العلمية بطب الاسنان .. حيث يتناول اهم الأمراض التي تصيب منطقة الفم والفكين  وكيفية تشخيصها اكلينيكياً او عن طريق الاشعة ، كما يتناول العلاج المناسب لتلك الامراض ..

كما تطرق الكاتب الى كيفية معرفة وتشخيص المرض من حيث الاعراض التي يعاني منها المريض .
يحتوي الكتاب على كثير من الامراض اهمها ..

  1. تسوسات الأسنان ومشاكل العصب .
  2. مشاكل وأمراض اللثة .
  3. المشاكل والأمراض التي تصيب منطقة الفكين والأنسجة المحيطة بالفم .
  4. الأورام في منطقة الوجه والفكين عموما .

تطرق ايضا عن الامراض التي تصيب منطقة الوجه والفكين ويكون المسبب لها البكتريا او الفايروسات او غيرها والأمراض التي تصيب ايضا العضلات والمفاصل بمنطقة الوجه والفكين عموماً .



الأحد، 25 ديسمبر 2016

Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice 7th Ed

Nutrition is a very essential for human to be healthy. Nutrition provide energy, reduce risk of chronic diseases, help to recovery. Although nutrition considered to dietitian, also it's an important component of nursing care. All  nurses must to know, analyze, evaluate nutritional status for patients and do nursing care plan for them. This book look up to emphasize nurses students practical nutrition  to provide best service for patients

Book pages: 666
Book summary: 389


الثلاثاء، 20 ديسمبر 2016

microbiology (lippincott's illustrated reviews series)

A brief description of the original book

 .A MUST READ for mastering essential concepts in microbiology

Well-known and widely used for their hallmark illustrations, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews bring concepts to vibrant life. Students rely on LIR for quick review, easier assimilation, and understanding of large amounts of critical, complex material

Outline format and full-color illustrations: More than 400 color illustrations and color-coded summaries provide key information at a glance and helpful visual explanations
Illustrated case studies and questions to support USMLE prep: Expanded discussions reinforce key concepts and review questions with detailed rationales allow for self-assessment
New bookmark features mini-index of important microorganisms for quick and easy reference

"Microbiology can be an overwhelming topic, but the pictures, concise descriptions, and parallel structure of each chapter helps to make the subject easier to understand and digest.” -Amelia Keaton, medical student

"I think this book better meets the needs of the market because of its review chapters and disease summaries, its review questions, and its excellent photographs of clinical manifestations of microbial disease. I also found this book easier to read and study from.” – Devorah Segal, medical student


FREE online! (with purchase of the text)

Interactive question bank for test-taking practice-
Fully searchable eBook for studying on-the-go-

Number of pages (original pdf format): 450

Number of pages (summarized book pdf format): 175

PDF file for the summarized book


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